Don Jones Kiddie Lacrosse is an introduction to the game of lacrosse for PreK & Kindergarten kids.
At this level, our focus is on FUNdamentals—helping your child learn the basics of lacrosse while having fun, making friends, and becoming part of our amazing lacrosse community!
Special Bonus: All players get a t-shirt and new players will receive their first lacrosse stick!
Early registration is greatly appreciated to help with supplies and preparation!
Registration instructions
Please read program overviews for our respective Boys and Girls Programs as well as grade level offerings. Our website combines our Boys and Girls Pre-K, K through 8th grade registrations as well as the annual renewal of US Lacrosse member registration online which is required by all players and coaches for insurance protection.
We also encourage you to VOLUNTEER this Spring season as we want to grow the sport among our youth by offering more training and develop a bigger LAX spirit within our communities. Thank you!
Parents will need to click on REGISRATION link (on top left of home page). Please select Boys or Girls Kiddie Lax on pull down tab and drill down to appropriate age group for current school year to register your children. There will be at least 2 points to submit credit card information for EACH CHILD as system now automatically renews the required US Lacrosse membership [$30 children and coaches $55] directly to US Lacrosse AND then returns to complete CMLAX registration & payment. Receipt confirmations are returned via email. WE RECOMMEND PAYING FOR EACH CHILD SEPARATELY AT END OF EACH REGISTRATION.
If you experience problems with your US lacrosse member ID # during registration contact them at 410-235-6882. You MUST RENEW annually and a full 12 months is added to end date even if not expired. Once paid expiration date will update and then send you back to cmlax section.
Please ensure parents list an active email and cell # that is visible on roster at a minimum for communications of all games/practices/weather updates in Spring.
Additionally, volunteer COACHES/asst coaches will be able to register in same manner.